according to his imperial will , she and the priestly imperial prince enjo (emperor gosaga ' s illegitimate first son ) should inherit the cloistered emperor ' s property divided between her and his children . 法皇の遺産はその遺詔によって彼女と円助法親王(後嵯峨院の庶長子)が処分することとなり、彼女や子女に遺産が分配されることになった。
in 1879 , meiji emperor criticized the enlightenment and promulgated " kyogaku taishi (the imperial will education )" , which was actually written by motoda , that public education should be based on confucianism laying stress on the virtue of humanity , justice , loyalty and filial piety . 1879年に明治天皇が啓蒙主義を批判して仁義忠孝を中心とした儒教主義を公教育の中心とすべきとする教学聖旨を公布したが、その実際の執筆者が元田であった。
in response to this , hirofumi ito , however , argued back against the imperial will , submitting ' kyoikugi (opinion on education )' which led to a confrontation between the ito group (the grand council of state and the ministry of education ) and the motoda group (the department of the imperial household and emperor meiji who was a devotee of the teaching ). これに対して伊藤博文は「教育議」を提出して反論を行い、伊藤を中心とする太政官(及び文部省)と元田を中心とする宮内省(及びその教説の信奉者であった明治天皇)との対立を招いた。